Sunday, February 13, 2011

Psalm 18:1

I love you, O LORD, my strength. 
God bless my great uncle Ray and his family.
So, tomorrow is Valentines Day. I don't mean to sound cliche or anything, but boo for not having a Valentines. I was going to ask this kid just because he is really adorable, but I chickened out. I suppose I should blame myself for my dreadful fate of spending my Valentines with my physics and algebra book. 
On the plus side, today was a fairly great day. My brother loves me and decided to show it by giving me this desk that he had made. Very nifty if I do say so myself. 
My brother is one of the most crafty kids I know. I hope he pursues his ambitions to become a welder and back-up dancer for Justin Bieber. Totally kidding about the second part, but wouldn't that be neat? Another great thing about today, the weather is warming up. It's a comfortable -11 but it feels like a joyful -39. Oh, how I love the arctic weather. I'm in serious need of sleep. Gotta be rested for a long day of reading facebook posts all about how much people love each other and making me feel like a loner. Oh, one last thing, another life goal is to never become the lonely, crazy cat lady and by the way things are going, lets not hold our breath.

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